Tuesday, November 5, 2013

31 Important Questions Kelly Yaede Should've Answered before Election Day

We realize that Ms Yaede’s opponents have asked her a lot of questions. But we seem unable to find answers to any of those questions, with the slight exception of the answers that were on Yaede’s note cards at the 3 debates/forums. So despite the obvious rhetorical nature of this exercise we thought we would share some questions that we wished had been answered so a voter could have been more informed about Ms. Yaede, her thoughts, policies and visions for the future of Hamilton.

Is Fred Yaede retired from his inspections job in Hamilton Township?  If so why has he reportedly been walking about the Hamilton Municipal Building with such great frequency?

Is Fred Yaede on the ballot today or does a vote for Kelly get us Fred and Kelly Yaede running Hamilton Township?

The Township Public Safety Commission Ordinance is available online and plainly states its purpose as an advisory Board only to the Mayor. So why did Yaede misrepresent its purpose and attempt to pit her accusers against the police?

How in the world could Yaede vote to for the formation of the Public Safety Advisory Commission and each of its members and then actively obstruct its meetings?  Is the sense of power that corrupting?

Does Yaede in her wildest dreams believe that she is even remotely qualified to be the Public Safety Director of a town as large as Hamilton?  Hamilton is not a farm community.  It has 90,000 residents, 169 police officers with various levels of specialized training, all of whom are trained to carry weapons to protect and serve Hamiltonians.  What talent has Ms Yaede hidden from us that qualifies her to manage the 169 officers and to protect and serve us?

Why is it that we keep hearing reports of Yaede showing up at police calls and crime scenes when a civilian Public Safety Director is clearly prohibited from meddling at police crime scenes or police operations?

How much did that specially outfitted SUV cost the taxpayer?

Why does Yaede have police equipment in her SUV when it too, is clearly prohibited for civilian Public Safety directors?

If Yaede was insistent on playing Public Safety Director shouldn’t she at least have followed the Faulkner Act and the state statutes outlined therein and formally nominated herself, subjecting the nomination to public comment and Council approval as is required for all Director’s positions?

The 10 meetings of the PSAC actually brought up many serious issues, thoughts and ideas. How could Yaede put the safety of Policemen, Firemen and Hamiltonians at risk by ignoring and not acting on those issues?

What is the total number of Police vehicles that are inoperable or non functional and why have they been hidden behind the Police Station for months if not years?

Why were the residents of Golden Crest not notified of the wave of home invasions in their neighborhood until well after many of the crimes had been committed?

Why was the Township reverse 911 system not used to inform the Golden Crest residents of the ongoing crime spree in their Neighborhood?

Why were Ms Yaede and Chief Collins both absent from the neighborhood crime meeting held after the home invasions in Golden Crest? Perhaps there was just a little too much heat in the kitchen.

Why is it that Yaede disputes a gang problem in Hamilton, yet her own government applied for a grant to fight gang related crime and the Public Safety Commission expressed its concerns about gangs in Hamilton at 3 meetings?

When will Yaede address the rampant increase in violent crime in Hamilton, particularly the armed robberies, assaults and 13 shootings?

Why is it so difficult for Yaede to admit that her 2013 Budget is filled with 4.5 million of one time non repeatable revenues; or gimmicks as her opponents have called them?  Can’t she just speak and tell the truth.  The document is one that is on the website and the budget clearly outlines the one time fixes. Stop insulting the voters; some of us can read a budget!

When, if ever will Kelly talk about taxes in terms of her entire tenure on Council rather then the insulting 5 year repeating record? Give the folks all the facts and let them decide if the huge tax increase in 2008 that she voted for, was necessary.

Why did Yaede promise to disclose all of her contributions when asked a donation question by a reporter this past summer and not follow up by doing so?  It leaves inquiring minds to assume that the $20k plus that was transferred into her account was either from the 2 big illegal contributors, Birdsall or Marliese Ljuba.

Does Yaede truly believe it is appropriate to accept a $1k contribution from a waste company that is awarded a $13 Million dollar contract just 2 months later?

Did Ms Yaede think she could be perceived as an impartial arbiter of the Italian American Club development plan submitted by Sharbell when she accepted a $1,000 contribution from the developer both before and after her decision?

If Yaede is such a beacon for ethics how could she not act upon the sworn testimony of Marliese Ljuba saying she gave Councilmen Kenny and Pone over $10k in cash? Ask them to either take a polygraph or resign if they failed or refused to do so.

In the Trentonian online debate the candidates were asked about the perceived massive capital improvements needed in Hamilton’s schools and its infrastructure and whether they would support school improvements. Yaede’s answer was it depends on the curriculum. What does curriculum have to do with crumbling old buildings and the need to keep our children safe?

Does Yaede really believe that the Morrison firm that has audited both the Town and BOE books for years qualifies as an independent auditor? Did she really expect him to announce his own mistakes?  Independent to most of us seems to suggest at a minimum a fresh set of eyes.

The entire Township understands that there were some financial irregularities regarding Mayor Bencivengo and his accounts.  So why did Yaede support bringing Benci’s campaign treasurer, Rich Sereni, out of retirement and place him back in the Township finance office?

There is a perception that most of the new businesses in Hamilton are small businesses that will bring insufficient ratables to offset the businesses that have closed or left town. Rather then throwing random numbers about business openings, why did Yaede not provide documentation of the NET business growth or reduction and what value it will translate to in future tax revenues for the Budget?

If Ms Yaede believes in an open door government why was she unable during her 6 years on Council and 1 year as Mayor to ever get the Council meetings televised so residents could see their government at work?

Why does it take nearly 4 months to get Council meeting minutes up on the Township website and why are some meeting minutes selectively missing?

Why doesn’t Ms Yaede consult with one of her 2 full-time Township attorney’s about the application of Township Ordinances and be reminded that her temporary executive position does not permit her to ignore at her whim their application.  Hold meetings for all approved Township Commissions!

What has Kelly Yaede ever done?  We are aware of her finally crafted image.  She loves Hamilton, went to Nottingham HS; praises the Azalea Festival & Septemberfest and smiles and wishes people happy birthday. But, can anyone actually articulate a single accomplishment of hers?

Has Ms. Yaede ever had an original idea? She always seems to be riding the coat tails of someone but never presents any original thoughts. 

Does Kelly Yaede ever speak a contemporaneous phrase or sentence? She seems to always require her little note cards to remember anything?

If in fact Ms Yaede is under some sort of FBI Gag Order and unable to talk to any residents, the media or respond to taxpayer concerns, then we apologize for our expressed frustration at the silence that has pervaded when a question has been posed to her. 

We believe residents and taxpayers disserve these answers and the opportunity to hear the Mayor’s thoughts and not those of her surrogates.!!!!
Thanks for reading.



Monday, November 4, 2013

Top 10 Reasons to REJECT ED GORE'S Candidacy

Mr. Gore distinguishes himself a bit over his colleagues Kenny and Pone.  Gore apparently did not take any recordable $$$ from Mar Ljuba nor was he accused of being bribed in Bencivengo’s federal corruption trial. Gore did take Birdsall money, but he was the least of the offenders, only taking $250 of the illegal contributions. Also, it must be said that Gore finally saw the light about granting contracts to Birdsall after the scandal broke and the firm was indicted. He voted against the last Birdsall contract, unlike Messrs Kenny and Pone.  Unlike Mr. Pone, Gore is generally a gentleman when addressing the public. He seems to give honest reflection to matters before him. Yet he possesses one consistent huge character flaw. Mr. Gore fails is in his ability to be truthful and forthright about the difficult issues.

1.  Ethics violation. Mr. Gore previously served on the Hamilton Board of Education, yet Gore rarely mentions his BOE tenure.  Mr. Gore was the subject of a formal Complaint to the NJ School Ethics Commission regarding his official behavior, while a member of the Board. The School Ethics Commission determined that Gore while a member of the Hamilton BOE had violated NJSA 18-A:12-24b of the School Ethics Act, and he was ordered to be publicly CENSURED.  Gore’s ethical failings were egregious. He used his position on the Board to secure the home addresses of district employees and used that information for his own personal political purposes. Gore sent employees a letter under his signature as the BOE vice president, threatening their jobs if they did not vote for the Board candidates Gore had endorsed.

2. Continued Denial.  People make mistakes. If Gore had acknowledged his mistake, apologized to the victims and sought forgiveness we also may have been in a forgiving mode. Rather than admitting his error and apologizing for his acts, Mr. Gore continued to deny that he had committed any impropriety and appealed the decision to the Commissioner of Education and the State School Board.  Both parties rejected Gore's analysis and strongly affirmed the ethical failings and Ordered that Gore be Censured. (See the links to Gore’s Censure at the top left of our site).

3. Refusal to tell truth. At the HHW debate Gore said he was a little fuzzy about his public censure and that he thought his actions to help some people were misinterpreted. Once again he avoided an opportunity to tell the truth. Mr. Gore breached the public trust when he advanced his own personal political agenda.  Gore’s ethical failure, his continued refusal to acknowledge the seriousness of his wrongdoing and apologize for his actions, renders him unfit for any public office.

4. According the Newark Star Ledger database of Birdsall engineering’s illegal campaign donations, Gore received $250 of illegal donations for one event. http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/06/secret_list_birdsall_donations.html

5.  Publicly available ELEC filings do not show that Mr. Gore has returned or donated the ill begotten gains from the illegal donations. http://www.elec.state.nj.us/publicinformation/viewreports.htm

6.  When asked directly about the Birdsall $$, Gore gave a half hearted answer saying he did not remember who contributed to his campaign. An apparent effort to avoid the truth.  If he had been honest, frankly we could have given him a pass. Trentonian 6/24/13
7.  Like his compatriots Kenny and Pone, Gore regularly voted to give Birdsall and other questionable engineering contracts to 2 other contributors totaling nearly $1 million dollars, even after his campaign and those of his colleagues had received the illegal funds. Trentonian 1/14/13.  Examine Hamilton Council Minutes from 2009 -2012.  http://www.hamiltonnj.com/content/83868/83968/85141/default.aspx

8.  Gore like Kenny, Pone and yes Ms. Yaede participated in a non public meeting of the full Hamilton Council on Nov 15, 2013   for the purpose of discussing and plotting the selection of Hamilton’s next Mayor, even before Bencivengo was convicted.  Councilman Meara was present at the meeting and said it violated the NJ Sunshine Act. (Trentonian 12/1/2012).  Former Councilman Capodanno filed a State Ethics Complaint because of the Sunshine violation. (Trentonian 2/25/2013) Public officials should conduct the people’s business in the light of day at properly advertised meetings rather then in private back rooms.

9.  Gore like Kenny, Pone and Yaede ran away from the Hamilton corruption scandal when he voted to disband the Township Local Ethics Board at a time when the Board should have been empowered to hear resident’s complaints about municipal corruption, conflicts of interest, illegal campaign donations, OPRA, Sunshine Act violations and pay-to-play contracts in Hamilton. Hamilton Council Minutes page 15, March 19, 2013, (Trentonian 3/5/13 and 3/19/13).

10. Mayor Bencivengo is in jail.  Former Hamilton Director, Rob Warney is in jail. Former Mercer GOP Chair and Hamilton Director of Recreation, Cathy Tramontana was fired. Gore received $250 of illegal campaign contributions directed by another former Mercer County GOP Chairman and indicted engineering firm.  Disbanding the Local Ethics Board in the midst of the largest scandal in Hamilton history and the unacknowledged serious ethical breach are serious errors. THE STENCH of the CLOUD OF CORRUPTION must be completely swept out of the Hamilton Township and the people’s Municipal Building.



Top Ten + 1 Reasons to Reject Dennis Pone’s Candidacy

1. Did Marliese Ljuba funnel over $10k in cash to the Pone Kenny campaign?  She says she did and she said it under oath in a Federal Courthouse while under the threat of perjury.

2. Pone like Kenny says he never took $$$ from Ljuba, but his June 22, 2009 ELEC filing says otherwise.  Why would Mr. Pone hide or misrepresent the apparent Ljuba donation?

3. According the Newark Star Ledger database of Birdsall engineering’s illegal campaign donations, Pone benefitted from $2,500 of illegal donations over the course of 4 separate events. http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/06/secret_list_birdsall_donations.html

4.  Publicly available ELEC filings do not show that Mr. Pone has returned or donated the ill begotten gains from the illegal donations. http://www.elec.state.nj.us/publicinformation/viewreports.htm

5.  Dennis Pone still has not been honest with Hamilton Voters and acknowledged his receipt of the dirty Birdsall money!

6.  Like his compatriot Kenny, Pone repeatedly voted to give Birdsall over $300,000 in Township contracts, even after his campaign had received the illegal funds. Examine Hamilton Council Minutes from 2009 -2012. http://www.hamiltonnj.com/content/83868/83968/85141/default.aspx

7.  Even after the Birdsall scandal was disclosed by statewide media reports and after Birdsall and its executives were indicted...Dennis Pone steadfastly supported his campaign contributor by voting yet again for another Birdsall contract. Hamilton Council Minutes page 15, Dec 4, 2012

8.  Pone like Kenny participated in a non public meeting of the full Hamilton Council on Nov 15, 2013   for the purpose of discussing and plotting the selection of Hamilton’s next Mayor even before Bencivengo was convicted.  Councilman Meara was present at the meeting and said it violated the NJ Sunshine Act. (Trentonian 12/1/2012).  Former Councilman Capodanno filed a State Ethics Complaint because of the Sunshine violation. (Trentonian 2/25/2013) Public officials should conduct the people’s business in the light of day at properly advertised meetings rather then in private back rooms.

9. Pone like Kenny ran away from the Hamilton corruption scandal when he voted to disband the Township Local Ethics Board at a time when the Board should have been empowered to hear resident’s complaints about municipal corruption, conflicts of interest, illegal campaign donations, OPRA, Sunshine Act violations and pay-to-play contracts in Hamilton. Hamilton Council Minutes page 15, March 19, 2013, (Trentonian 3/5/13 and 3/19/13).

10. Mr. Pone is often snide and some would say down right arrogant with his commentary on Council.  His behavior is never more apparent then when he has heard enough from a resident questioning the Mayor or Council.  His arrogance however spilled over at several Council meetings when he chastised and belittled the impassioned pleas from residents opposed to the proposed development of the Italian American Sportsman’s Club. His refusal to acknowledge the clear conflict of the Township soliciting an “impartial” opinion about the site from a member of the same IASC was incredible.  To berate the Council President’s brother, who resides in that neighborhood, during the process left us stunned.  Elected officials must be respectful of those they serve at all times, regardless of the differences in opinions.  Mr. Pone was also quoted in a periodical as believing that Hamilton is not representative of a democracy, rather he views it as a republic empowering him to govern as he sees fit.  Mr. Pone is wrong and has failed the test of being a representative to the people.

11. Mayor Bencivengo is in jail.  Former Hamilton Director, Rob Warney is in jail. Former Mercer GOP Chair and Hamilton Director of Recreation, Cathy Tramontana was fired.  $2,500 of Illegal campaign contributions directed by another former Mercer County GOP Chairman and indicted engineering firm.  Disbanding the Local Ethics Board in the midst of the largest scandal in Hamilton history and the insensitivity to those he serves. Allegations of a bag of cash from a government witness.  Sunshine Act Complaints. THE STENCH of the CLOUD OF CORRUPTION must be completely swept out of the Hamilton Township and the people’s Municipal Building.

Yaede's - Ljuba's - Pone - Kenny & Bencivengo Picture Gallery

Pictures of our GOP elected officials from days gone bye. But they hardly new each other!
Marliese Ljuba, Kelly Yaede & Fred Yaede
on stage at GOP event

Marliese Ljuba & Councilman Pone yucking it up
at Hamilton Twp Republican Club function!

                  Benci & Council in celebration mode when
                  they were all fast friends running Hamilton
                         Benci & Pone in happier times - pre FBI
                         & Dennis forgetting John's name   


Marliese Ljuba’s Evolution in Hamilton & the Friends She Acquired Over 17 Years

By all accounts Marliese Ljuba arrived in Hamilton in 1996 when she 1st received a contract with the Hamilton BOE.  It’s been rumored that she was introduced to the power brokers in Hamilton, as well as to the Board of Education by current School Board candidate Tony Celentano who was also a member of the BOE in 1996. Ljuba was employed by Madison Consulting Group in 1996.

On Jan 31, 1996 Ms Ljuba’s company was approved as the insurance broker to service the Hamilton Board in the areas of health insurance and prescription benefits. Ironically, the motion to approve Madison and Ljuba was moved by Joe Tramontana, who is currently the suspended Business Administrator for the Hamilton BOE, likely in no small part because of his relationship with Ljuba 16 years later.  Interestingly the 2nd on the motion was cast by none other then current councilman, Ed Gore. That maneuver was just 9 months before Gore became embroiled in his own ethics scandal as a Hamilton Board member. Gore was eventually Censured by the School Ethics Commission, the Commissioner of Education and the State School Board. See our link at the top left of this Blog.  Surprisingly, Tramontana, voted against Ljuba’s appointment but Gore and Celentano voted aye.

So 17 years later the chairs on the deck have been shuffled, but literally the names remain the same.  Even Ms. Yaede approved several of Ljuba’s initial jobs with the Board of Education during her 3 year tenure as a Board member. Marliese Ljuba, Ed Gore, Cathy and Joe Tramontana, Kelly Yaede and Tony Celentano all have known each other for the better part of 17 years.  Yet, most of them could not run away from the Ljuba association fast enough when the water was rising.

Through the years Ms. Ljuba embedded herself in Hamilton Republican politics. She changed jobs several times but the Hamilton BOE always hired her firm as its broker. Councilman Kevin Meara was quoted in a May 2012 Times story saying Ljuba was involved in Bencivengo’s 2007 campaign and helped organize the republican victory party. Ljuba made herself a player in local politics through regular attendance at various Hamilton Republican political events and through her consistent financial contributions and Yaede confirmed that Ljuba attended Bencivengo’s last mayor’s Ball.  Times 5/3/12.   NJ ELEC reports confirm and various media outlets have reported that through the years Ljuba contributed substantial sums to Bencivengo, the Hamilton Republican Committee and the Mercer County Republican Committee.

When John Bencivengo and Kelly Yaede celebrated their election in 2011, Marliese Ljuba joined them on stage at the victory celebration.  Times 5/2/13.  It is now more then just a little unbelievable to imagine that Ms. Yaede, and Messrs Kenny, Pone and Gore hardly knew Hamilton’s former GOP starlet.  The relationships Ljuba built during her 17 years in Hamilton, not only made her well know, it made her a star in GOP circles.  Now that the star has fallen this year’s republican slate would like us to forget the Hamilton corruption scandal and their cozy relationship with the Government’s star witness.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Top Ten + 1 reasons to Reject Dave Kenny’s Candidacy

1. Did Marliese Ljuba funnel over $10k in cash to the Kenny campaign?  She says she did and she said it under oath in a Federal Courthouse under the threat of perjury. 
2. Kenny says he never took $$$ from Ljuba, but his June 22, 2009 ELEC filing says otherwise.  Why would Kenny hide or misrepresent the apparent Ljuba donation?
3. According the Newark Star Ledger database of Birdsall engineering’s illegal campaign donations, Kenny’s campaign was the recipient of $2,200 of illegal donations over the course of 3 separate events. . http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/06/secret_list_birdsall_donations.html

 4.  Publicly available ELEC filings do not show that Kenny has returned or donated the ill begotten gains from the illegal donations. http://www.elec.state.nj.us/publicinformation/viewreports.htm

5.  Kenny still has not been honest with Hamilton Voters and acknowledged his receipt of the dirty Birdsall money!

6.  Kenny repeatedly voted to give Birdsall over $300,000 in Township contracts, even after his campaign had received the illegal funds. Examine Hamilton Council Minutes from 2009 -2012. http://www.hamiltonnj.com/content/83868/83968/85141/default.aspx

7.  Even after the Birdsall scandal was disclosed by statewide media reports and after Birdsall and its executives were indicted...Kenny voted yet again for another Birdsall contract. Hamilton Council Minutes page 15, Dec 4, 2012

8.  Kenny participated in a non public meeting of the full Hamilton Council on Nov 15, 2013   for the purpose of discussing and plotting the selection of Hamilton’s next Mayor even before Bencivengo was convicted.  Councilman Meara was present at the meeting and said it violated the NJ Sunshine Act. (Trentonian 12/1/2012).  Former Councilman Capodanno filed a State Ethics Complaint because of the Sunshine violation. (Trentonian 2/25/2013) Public officials should conduct the people’s business in the light of day at properly advertised meetings rather then in private back rooms.

9. Kenny voted to disband the Township Local Ethics Board at a time when the Board should have been empowered to hear resident’s complaints about municipal corruption, conflicts of interest, illegal campaign donations, OPRA, Sunshine Act violations and pay-to-play contracts in Hamilton. Hamilton Council Minutes page 15, March 19, 2013, (Trentonian 3/5/13 and 3/19/13).

10. Our sources tell us that Kenny, an attorney, has asked that his name be submitted for a Judgeship.  That process is apparently currently underway.  This means that if Mr. Kenny were to get his judge position, he would not serve out his term, even if elected. Politicians should be honest with the voters and tell them if they do not intend to complete the term they seek.  In this case Kenny has failed the test.

11. Mayor Bencivengo is in jail.  Former Hamilton Director, Rob Warney is in jail. Former Mercer GOP Chair and Hamilton Director of Recreation, Cathy Tramontana was fired.  Receipt of Illegal campaign contributions directed by another former Mercer County GOP Chairman and indicted engineering firm.  Disbanding the Local Ethics Board in the midst of the largest scandal in Hamilton history. Allegations of a bag of cash from a government witness.  Sunshine Act Complaints. THE CLOUD OF CORRUPTION must be completely swept out of the Hamilton Township and the people’s Municipal Building.

Hamilton's Public Safety Advisory Commission - The Rest of the Story - Shocking!

Fred Yaede, or the suppression of any mention of Gangs in Hamilton, may be the most important public safety issues in Hamilton Township! Sounds, strange, but as you read on sadly you are sure to understand.

The Public Safety Advisory Commission was unanimously approved by Hamilton Council on May 6. 2008. Ms Yaede moved the motion for approval which was unanimously approved by Council, including Messrs Kenny and Pone. The record of this vote appears on page 40 of the Council minutes of that date. Thereafter, Ms, Yaede voted yes for the appointment of each and every member of the PSAC that was brought before her.

The Ordinance establishing the PSAC, Ord. No. 08-026, states its purpose is to “act in an advisory capacity to the Mayor and make recommendations for the development of policies and procedures in general to improve the state of public safety of the community.” Any statement or representation by Ms. Yaede, Chief Collins or any of their surrogates alleging this Commission’s purpose is “public oversight over the police department” is just an unequivocal, purposeful misrepresentation or as it is called on the street, a big LIE, or horse manure. 

The Public Safety Advisory Commission ordinance can be found at Sec 2-820.36 in Hamilton’s Code of Ordinances. The Commission per the ordinance “shall meet monthly at a time and place determined by the membership.” These meetings are not optional.  An approved ordinance is the law until modified or revoked and is not to be selectively enforced at the whim of any elected official. When information was previously requested regarding the Commission, incomplete records were provided by the Township with numerous meeting minutes missing. It begs the question, are they covering something up?  Have the records been removed or destroyed?

The PSAC met 10 times. It did serious work and made meaningful recommendations to Mayor Bencivengo.  Just a portion of the minutes show it addressed the police computer system; workload and manpower efficiency; the necessity to replace the radio system by 2013; problems with the TKR radio tower; and radio interoperability problems. It wasn’t until the Commission breached four hot button issues that it got serious push back and effectively shut down.

The critical issues that apparently offended our elected officials or at least one of them, Ms Yaede:  the repeated mention of gangs in Hamilton during meetings 4-6;  a series of problems within the Fire Districts and the mention of the “consolidation”; an admission by Business Administrator, John Ricci that there is no accounting of the Fire District tax monies collected  by the Township; and finally perhaps most important to our newly appointed Mayor, the possible mention of  Fred Yaede.

With the serious nature of all the issues mentioned in the prior paragraphs you likely think we jest when we mention Fred Yaede.  Sadly, we are not jesting. Just the poor, pitiful truth that a sitting member of Council would demand to know if the Township’s Public Safety Advisory Commission “discussed her father at October’s meeting”.  See email dated Wed. Nov 10, 2010 regarding PSAC October minutes addressed to PSAC members. Apparently, with all the issues mentioned by the PSAC, with all the crime in Hamilton, with a documented gang problem, the most important issue for our Mayor is nepotism and protecting her father’s position as a paid Fire Commissioner.

Pitiful, selfish, juvenile, immature, misguided, inappropriate, are just a few of the adjectives that come to mind when describing Ms. Yaede’s apparent motivations. Is Fred Yaede, the mention of gangs in Hamilton or breaching the possible consolidation of Fire Districts really more important then all of the PSAC's recommendations?  Is Kelly Yaede really qualified to be the Mayor and leader of New Jersey’s 8th largest town?