2. Pone like Kenny says he never took $$$ from Ljuba, but
his June 22, 2009 ELEC filing says otherwise.
Why would Mr. Pone hide or
misrepresent the apparent Ljuba donation?
3. According the Newark Star Ledger database of Birdsall engineering’s illegal campaign
donations, Pone benefitted from $2,500 of
illegal donations over the course of 4 separate events. http://www.nj.com/politics/index.ssf/2013/06/secret_list_birdsall_donations.html
4. Publicly available
ELEC filings do not show that Mr. Pone has returned or donated the ill begotten
gains from the illegal donations. http://www.elec.state.nj.us/publicinformation/viewreports.htm
5. Dennis Pone still
has not been honest with Hamilton Voters and acknowledged his receipt of the
dirty Birdsall money!
6. Like his
compatriot Kenny, Pone repeatedly voted
to give Birdsall over $300,000 in Township contracts, even after his
campaign had received the illegal funds. Examine Hamilton Council Minutes from
2009 -2012. http://www.hamiltonnj.com/content/83868/83968/85141/default.aspx
7. Even after the Birdsall scandal was
disclosed by statewide media reports and after Birdsall and its executives were
indicted...Dennis Pone steadfastly
supported his campaign contributor by voting yet again for another Birdsall
contract. Hamilton Council Minutes page 15, Dec 4, 2012
8. Pone like Kenny participated in a non
public meeting of the full Hamilton Council on Nov 15, 2013 for the purpose of discussing and plotting
the selection of Hamilton’s next Mayor even before Bencivengo was
convicted. Councilman Meara was present
at the meeting and said it violated the NJ Sunshine Act. (Trentonian 12/1/2012). Former Councilman Capodanno filed a State
Ethics Complaint because of the Sunshine violation. (Trentonian 2/25/2013) Public officials should conduct the people’s
business in the light of day at properly advertised meetings rather then in private
back rooms.
9. Pone like Kenny ran away from the Hamilton corruption
scandal when he voted to disband the Township Local Ethics Board at a time
when the Board should have been empowered to hear resident’s complaints about
municipal corruption, conflicts of interest, illegal campaign donations, OPRA,
Sunshine Act violations and pay-to-play contracts in Hamilton. Hamilton
Council Minutes page 15, March 19, 2013, (Trentonian 3/5/13 and 3/19/13).
10. Mr. Pone is
often snide and some would say down
right arrogant with his commentary
on Council. His behavior is never more
apparent then when he has heard enough from a resident questioning the Mayor or
Council. His arrogance however spilled
over at several Council meetings when he chastised
and belittled the impassioned pleas from residents opposed to the proposed development of the Italian American Sportsman’s
Club. His refusal to acknowledge the clear conflict of the Township
soliciting an “impartial” opinion about the site from a member of the same IASC
was incredible. To berate the Council President’s brother, who resides in that
neighborhood, during the process left us stunned. Elected officials must be respectful of those
they serve at all times, regardless of the differences in opinions. Mr. Pone was also quoted in a periodical as believing that Hamilton is not representative
of a democracy, rather he views it as a republic empowering him to govern as he
sees fit. Mr. Pone is wrong and has
failed the test of being a representative to the people.
11. Mayor Bencivengo
is in jail. Former Hamilton
Director, Rob Warney is in jail. Former Mercer GOP Chair and Hamilton Director of
Recreation, Cathy Tramontana was fired. $2,500 of Illegal campaign contributions
directed by another former Mercer County GOP Chairman and indicted engineering
firm. Disbanding the Local Ethics Board in the
midst of the largest scandal in Hamilton history and the insensitivity to those
he serves. Allegations of a bag of cash from a government witness. Sunshine Act Complaints. THE STENCH of the CLOUD OF CORRUPTION must be completely swept out of
the Hamilton Township and the people’s Municipal Building.
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