Tuesday, November 5, 2013

31 Important Questions Kelly Yaede Should've Answered before Election Day

We realize that Ms Yaede’s opponents have asked her a lot of questions. But we seem unable to find answers to any of those questions, with the slight exception of the answers that were on Yaede’s note cards at the 3 debates/forums. So despite the obvious rhetorical nature of this exercise we thought we would share some questions that we wished had been answered so a voter could have been more informed about Ms. Yaede, her thoughts, policies and visions for the future of Hamilton.

Is Fred Yaede retired from his inspections job in Hamilton Township?  If so why has he reportedly been walking about the Hamilton Municipal Building with such great frequency?

Is Fred Yaede on the ballot today or does a vote for Kelly get us Fred and Kelly Yaede running Hamilton Township?

The Township Public Safety Commission Ordinance is available online and plainly states its purpose as an advisory Board only to the Mayor. So why did Yaede misrepresent its purpose and attempt to pit her accusers against the police?

How in the world could Yaede vote to for the formation of the Public Safety Advisory Commission and each of its members and then actively obstruct its meetings?  Is the sense of power that corrupting?

Does Yaede in her wildest dreams believe that she is even remotely qualified to be the Public Safety Director of a town as large as Hamilton?  Hamilton is not a farm community.  It has 90,000 residents, 169 police officers with various levels of specialized training, all of whom are trained to carry weapons to protect and serve Hamiltonians.  What talent has Ms Yaede hidden from us that qualifies her to manage the 169 officers and to protect and serve us?

Why is it that we keep hearing reports of Yaede showing up at police calls and crime scenes when a civilian Public Safety Director is clearly prohibited from meddling at police crime scenes or police operations?

How much did that specially outfitted SUV cost the taxpayer?

Why does Yaede have police equipment in her SUV when it too, is clearly prohibited for civilian Public Safety directors?

If Yaede was insistent on playing Public Safety Director shouldn’t she at least have followed the Faulkner Act and the state statutes outlined therein and formally nominated herself, subjecting the nomination to public comment and Council approval as is required for all Director’s positions?

The 10 meetings of the PSAC actually brought up many serious issues, thoughts and ideas. How could Yaede put the safety of Policemen, Firemen and Hamiltonians at risk by ignoring and not acting on those issues?

What is the total number of Police vehicles that are inoperable or non functional and why have they been hidden behind the Police Station for months if not years?

Why were the residents of Golden Crest not notified of the wave of home invasions in their neighborhood until well after many of the crimes had been committed?

Why was the Township reverse 911 system not used to inform the Golden Crest residents of the ongoing crime spree in their Neighborhood?

Why were Ms Yaede and Chief Collins both absent from the neighborhood crime meeting held after the home invasions in Golden Crest? Perhaps there was just a little too much heat in the kitchen.

Why is it that Yaede disputes a gang problem in Hamilton, yet her own government applied for a grant to fight gang related crime and the Public Safety Commission expressed its concerns about gangs in Hamilton at 3 meetings?

When will Yaede address the rampant increase in violent crime in Hamilton, particularly the armed robberies, assaults and 13 shootings?

Why is it so difficult for Yaede to admit that her 2013 Budget is filled with 4.5 million of one time non repeatable revenues; or gimmicks as her opponents have called them?  Can’t she just speak and tell the truth.  The document is one that is on the website and the budget clearly outlines the one time fixes. Stop insulting the voters; some of us can read a budget!

When, if ever will Kelly talk about taxes in terms of her entire tenure on Council rather then the insulting 5 year repeating record? Give the folks all the facts and let them decide if the huge tax increase in 2008 that she voted for, was necessary.

Why did Yaede promise to disclose all of her contributions when asked a donation question by a reporter this past summer and not follow up by doing so?  It leaves inquiring minds to assume that the $20k plus that was transferred into her account was either from the 2 big illegal contributors, Birdsall or Marliese Ljuba.

Does Yaede truly believe it is appropriate to accept a $1k contribution from a waste company that is awarded a $13 Million dollar contract just 2 months later?

Did Ms Yaede think she could be perceived as an impartial arbiter of the Italian American Club development plan submitted by Sharbell when she accepted a $1,000 contribution from the developer both before and after her decision?

If Yaede is such a beacon for ethics how could she not act upon the sworn testimony of Marliese Ljuba saying she gave Councilmen Kenny and Pone over $10k in cash? Ask them to either take a polygraph or resign if they failed or refused to do so.

In the Trentonian online debate the candidates were asked about the perceived massive capital improvements needed in Hamilton’s schools and its infrastructure and whether they would support school improvements. Yaede’s answer was it depends on the curriculum. What does curriculum have to do with crumbling old buildings and the need to keep our children safe?

Does Yaede really believe that the Morrison firm that has audited both the Town and BOE books for years qualifies as an independent auditor? Did she really expect him to announce his own mistakes?  Independent to most of us seems to suggest at a minimum a fresh set of eyes.

The entire Township understands that there were some financial irregularities regarding Mayor Bencivengo and his accounts.  So why did Yaede support bringing Benci’s campaign treasurer, Rich Sereni, out of retirement and place him back in the Township finance office?

There is a perception that most of the new businesses in Hamilton are small businesses that will bring insufficient ratables to offset the businesses that have closed or left town. Rather then throwing random numbers about business openings, why did Yaede not provide documentation of the NET business growth or reduction and what value it will translate to in future tax revenues for the Budget?

If Ms Yaede believes in an open door government why was she unable during her 6 years on Council and 1 year as Mayor to ever get the Council meetings televised so residents could see their government at work?

Why does it take nearly 4 months to get Council meeting minutes up on the Township website and why are some meeting minutes selectively missing?

Why doesn’t Ms Yaede consult with one of her 2 full-time Township attorney’s about the application of Township Ordinances and be reminded that her temporary executive position does not permit her to ignore at her whim their application.  Hold meetings for all approved Township Commissions!

What has Kelly Yaede ever done?  We are aware of her finally crafted image.  She loves Hamilton, went to Nottingham HS; praises the Azalea Festival & Septemberfest and smiles and wishes people happy birthday. But, can anyone actually articulate a single accomplishment of hers?

Has Ms. Yaede ever had an original idea? She always seems to be riding the coat tails of someone but never presents any original thoughts. 

Does Kelly Yaede ever speak a contemporaneous phrase or sentence? She seems to always require her little note cards to remember anything?

If in fact Ms Yaede is under some sort of FBI Gag Order and unable to talk to any residents, the media or respond to taxpayer concerns, then we apologize for our expressed frustration at the silence that has pervaded when a question has been posed to her. 

We believe residents and taxpayers disserve these answers and the opportunity to hear the Mayor’s thoughts and not those of her surrogates.!!!!
Thanks for reading.



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