Wednesday, October 30, 2013

HAMILTON TAXES – Facts & Fictions

Throughout the campaign season there has been much discussion about the taxes in Hamilton, how they became so high, and where Ms Yaede and her Council friends project them to be in the not so distant future. Yaede, Kenny and Pone are fond of touting what they call the “tax stability” they have brought Hamilton residents over the past 5 years. A brief look back at history reminds us that in 2007 former Mayor Bencivengo, and Kelly Yaede were elected and Yaede joined Councilman Kenny and Pone on an all Republican Hamilton Council. That was 6 years ago.  So why do Yaede and her is designated spokesmen only refer to her 5 year record on taxes?

They say a picture is worth a thousand words.  So here is the picture that will answer the 5 year question. 

In their first year of all republican control, Yaede, Kenny and Pone (Gore was not elected until 2010) raised your taxes by 46%!

The above chart is based upon the documented historical Hamilton Tax Rates.  You would think these rates would be available online at the Township website, but no such luck.  The only rates posted by the appointed Mayor and her rubber stamping running mates are the 2010-2012 tax rates. Not even the current tax rate is available in this election year. I imagine the posted tax rates fit their 5 year argument better than if they provided us with all of the information.

The Bencivengo/Yaede/Kenny/Pone 2008 tax hike yielded the township over $13 Million in additional tax revenues. Mr. Joe Zannoni recently pointed out in his letter to the editor in The Times (see our previous post), the republican crew in our Municipal Building has accrued huge tax revenues on the back of Hamilton residents since the 2008 tax increase. The actual figure of $104,349,231 in budget revenues raised through higher taxation is astounding, particularly after hearing the Hamilton Republican campaign rhetoric of stable taxation.  REALLY?
Do Ms. Yaede, and her surrogates really believe Hamilton residents cannot count back 6 years?  We are still feeling the pain of the last major tax increase!!!
Hamilton Republicans have a pattern of delivering the bad news after their elections. After each of the past 2 Mayoral elections the Hamilton Republicans raised your taxes; 46% in 2008; 1.87% in 2012.  Will they raise your taxes again next year?  We will have more tomorrow on Yaede’s future tax plans for 2014 and 2015






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