Monday, October 28, 2013


Hamilton has had a well publicized rash of crime in recent months. Over 30 home invasions in the Golden Crest section; Ms. Yaede's response - NONE!  A string of armed robberies on  South Broad St.; the un-elected Mayor's response... NOTHING!! A tragic murder in the Deutzville area; Yaede's response - SILENCE!!! 13 shootings in Hamilton since Yaede was appointed Mayor;  the Yaede rsponse..."crime is down in Hamilton"; "Hamilton only has a gang presence not a gang problem".  Really Ms. Yaede??????

I know you are up for election and this time of year is often called the "silly season", but Hamilton residents do not think this is a comedy!  What in the world is a "GANG PRESENCE”?  If you really think that there is a difference between a GANG PRESENCE and a GANG PROBLEM, that alone causes me to question your competence to lead.  A gang presence in Hamilton is ok with you?  You have got to be kidding?

Neither Yaede nor her administration even notified the residents of Golden Crest that there were a rash of break ins in Golden Crest until more than 30 had occurred. Golden Crest residents were justifiably outraged!!  Why weren't flyers distributed in the neighborhood? Why wasn't the reverse 911 system used to notify residents of the crime and the impending danger?  A murder and 13 shootings since Yaede was appointed Mayor.  Her response has been predictable...just more SILENCE.  Shameful.

Hamiltonians are understandably outraged by the interim Mayors lack of comment and response to the crime in Hamilton.  An effective leader stands up and is heard in good times and bad. A leader inspires. A leader does not run and hide during critical moments. Kelly Yaede, you are no leader!!!  Perhaps if you spent more time fighting the crime instead of hiding the non functional Police SUV's , behind the Police Station, all of us would be better off.


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