Saturday, November 2, 2013

YAEDE'S Dubious $$$ -Contracts-Conflicts of Interest

Ms. Yaede has been bragging about her tough stance on ethics in Hamilton.  But, there are multiple examples of Yaede’s questionable ethics that make us a bit squeamish.  Yaede has a clear pattern of rewarding large contributors with Township contracts and then skirting the Hamilton pay-to play laws and ignoring conflicts of interest.  Examine the contributions below from Yaede's ELEC reports:

August 31, 2011 – Sean’s Landscaping- $2,500 – to Yaede for Council
March 27, 2013 – Sean’s Landscaping - $2,500 – to Yaede for Council
March 25, 2013 – Central Jersey Waste - $1,000 –to Yaede for Mayor
March 25, 2013 –Rusling Hose Company- $400- to Yaede for Mayor
June 29, 2011 –   Sharbell Building Co. - $1,000 to Yaede for Council
April 4, 2013 -    Sharbell Building Co.-   $1,000 to Yaede for Mayor
April 13, 2013 – Brenda Hoffman -           $200 – to Yaede for Mayor
April 13, 2013–  Chief James W. Collins-  $200 -to Yaede for Mayor

Sean’s Landscaping was given a $40,000 Township contract on November 11, 2012.  Kelly Yaede voted for the contract benefiting her campaign donor rather than to disqualify herself; then Sean's donated another $2,500 to Yaede's Mayor campaign.  Central Jersey Waste was awarded a 5 year - $13.8 Million dollar contract on June 18, 2013, less then 2 months after donating $1,000 to the Mayor’s campaign.

Hamilton Fire Companies raise funds via a fire tax on its residents. Is it appropriate for Yaede to collect partisan political contributions from a public entity supported by your tax dollars? Brenda Hoffman is the wife of Hamilton Township Chief Municipal Judge, R. Douglas Hoffman. Should Yaede be accepting donations from the wife of the Chief Judge whose appointment is made by the Mayor? Hamilton’s website says the Hamilton Municipal Court is an “independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes”. Than why is Yaede accepting monetary contributions from the Judge’s family. Chief James Collins is the highest ranking police office in Hamilton. He is entrusted with leading a police force to protect and serve all Hamilton residents. Is it appropriate for the interim Mayor to solicit or accept political donations from the Chief of Police?

Yaede was appointed to a Council sub-committee in 2012 by Council president Meara, to investigate the complexities and irregularities perceived by residents with the proposed Sharbell development of the Italian American Sportsmen Club. She accepted the appointment and co-authored a report beneficial to the developer. Sharbell had already donated $1,000 to Yaede’s campaign and after the report donated another $1,000 to her Mayoral campaign.  Shouldn’t Ms. Yaede have declined to participate in an investigation of her contributor?

Why is it that Ms. Yaede cannot seem to comprehend what a conflict of interest is?  Why does she consistently cast votes for and exercise judgments for her political contributors? If Yaede’s actions were acceptable to our current leaders; Hamilton’s Ethics rules and its pay- to play laws need to have a few more teeth put into them!!!!!!!!!

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