Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The YAEDE CIRCUS-When Will the Ringmaster Speak?

This week, Ms. Yaede has paraded her usual suspects before the online world to attempt to defend an indefensible record. Yet there still have been no responses to pressing township issues by anyone in the Yaede administration. The first mouthpiece to step up, former Councilman and your current Economic Development Director, Michael Angarone.  As noted in a prior post Mr. Angarone has quite a history in Hamilton Republican circles and a well documented proclivity for attacking those with alternative views to his business as usual mantra. It is actually somewhat surprising that he would choose to enter any spirited discussion on the ethical, honest, good government practices of the current administration.  Mr. Angarone was on the Hamilton Partnership with his nephew, former Mercer County Republican Chairman and recently convicted Birdsall executive, Phil Angarone Jr.  Yes, the same Phil Angarone that the NJ Attorney General says spread over $20,000 dollars of illegal campaign contributions to the Hamilton Republican Committee, Ms. Yaede and Messrs Kenny, Pone and Gore.

Just a thought for Mike Angarone, before he sanctimoniously lectures anyone on anything regarding Hamilton government; perhaps he should help the rest of our tight lipped officials find the illegal campaign contributions they received from Mr. Angarone’s Birdsall firm. I am sure all the Birdsall cash had nothing to do with the hundreds of thousands in township contracts our elected officials handed out to Birdsall. For extra credit they could begin to look for the contributions the star witness in the Bencivengo corruption trial, Ms. Ljuba, says she gave to Messrs Kenny and Pone.

Mr. Pone, surrogate #2, ditto for you!  The Hamilton is awaiting your Ljuba disclosure and an answer as to what you did with the $2,500 Birdsall illegally funneled into your 2009 campaign coffers.

Cashel Schmittinger Darvas, a good friend of Ms. Yaede’s, a former campaign aide, and campaign manager for Councilman Gore, now also weighs in as a Yaede surrogate.  I am sure the taxpayers are reassured that the Mayor’s secretary is articulating Township policy.  Not only has Ms Darvas been rewarded with a Township job so has her husband Bruce Darvas.  Mr. Darvas, who to date has not weighed in on behalf of his boss, was formerly a part-time Assistant Township Attorney.  Ms. Yaede saw fit to support his promotion to become the Township’s 2nd full-time attorney after he also ran Councilman Gore’s campaign.  Just how much of the taxpayer dollars have been delved out to Yaede friends?

Perhaps we would all be better off asking the Mayor’s surrogates, or even her dad, former Township employee Fred Yaede, for our long sought answers.  They all seem to be readily available and slightly more inclined to speak.



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